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Intern And Member Spotlight - Caroline And Maddie, ACIC And NORSAAC


Since 2002, ACIC has offered 48 internships in 15 countries through the International Youth Internship Program (IYIP) funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). These internships provide youth (age 19-30) with international development experience, skills, and knowledge to help better prepare them for future employment, while advancing Canadian development objectives. ACIC is proud to profile our member organizations as well as the interns participating in this year’s IYIP internship program funded by CIDA.

We would like to feature our interns Caroline Hockely and Madhurika (Maddie) Kalathoor, who work right here at ACIC in Halifax and will be working with the Northen Sector Action on Awareness Centre (NORSAAC) in Ghana.

Caroline Hockley moved from a small English village in the south east of England to a diversely populated city - Toronto. She has spent her summers travelling from country to country trying to find her next adventure. From road trips to hiking trips and deserts to tropical beaches, she has always looking for ways to explore. Caroline has a background in political science and history from the University of Western, Ontario and a post graduate certificate in International Development. We asked Caroline a few questions so we could get to know her – here is what she said!

What got you interested in international development work?

I first became interested in international development work when I was given the opportunity to travel to various developing countries growing up. Unaware that international development was the associated term, my experiences of difference drew me into the field of work.

What are you most excited about your international placement and why?

I am excited to revisit a developing country with a new perspective that takes into account a grounded understanding of international development. I am excited to reflect on past experiences while applying newly developed skills.

What are you working on with your host organization/institute here in Atlantic Canada? And overseas?

With NORSAAC I will be tasked with providing support to local staff with a particular focus on monitoring and evaluation. I will be drawing from a results based management perspective while utilizing logical frameworks. Additionally, while working with ACIC I will be supporting youth orientated programming while designing appropriate frameworks of evaluation.

Do you have any plans after returning to Canada?

After returning home I hope to continue to build my career in the international development field while planning my next adventure

What is your favourite quote?

"It’s not about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain."

Madhurika Kalathoor, Maddie for short, is originally from Toronto, ON and attended Wilfrid Laurier University, in Kitchener, ON. Maddie recently finished her Undergraduate degree in Business Administration, with a specialization in Human Resources and International Business. We talked to Maddie, here is what she told us:

What got you interested in international development work?

I took Global Studies course in Grade 11 and it opened my eyes to think differently about international development. My teacher's shared experiences in international development and the case studies persuaded me to work in international development.

What are you most excited about your international placement and why?

I am really excited to work in an NGO setting which I haven't worked in before. Also, I am excited to see my ideas come to life.

On a day off I would likely... That depends:

On a nice summer day, I love to go for a run in the woods. If the weather doesn't permit, then dancing and watching TV.

What is your favourite quote?

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

If you want to keep in touch with Maddie while she is overseas, follow her blog at:

The Atlantic Council for International Cooperation (ACIC) is rich and varied coalition of more than 70 individuals, organizations, and institutions working in the Atlantic region in the area of international cooperation. ACIC supports its members in international cooperation and education through collective leadership, networking, information, training and coordination, and represents their interests when dealing with government and others. ACIC also takes a leadership role in engaging Atlantic Canadians around issues relating to international development, global sustainability, and social justice. ACIC is currently looking to build organizational capacity in the area of human resource management and policy development.

The Northern Sector Action on Awareness Center (NORSAAC) works in the area of gender-based advocacy, reproductive health issues and women’s rights and governance. The organization approaches these issues through advocacy and campaigning, networking and partnership, awareness creation and sensitization, strengthening capacity and community mobilization. Since 2003, NORSAAC has been working directly with beneficiaries and schools at the community level to deepen the governance process and ensure effective participation of women and other vulnerable groups. It also works with youth to mobilize, discuss and find ways to address issues of HIV and AIDS in schools and communities.

Best of luck in your adventures, Maddie and Caroline! We can’t wait to hear from you!

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