Hint: You might not realize that these members make up such a large part of our membership... The Basics: You might not realize that individuals CAN be a part of the ACIC community too!! Our individual members are a diverse group of people. They are men and women who have traveled the world and seek to be involved in the development community. They are spread out across the Atlantic... Nova Scotia:
Andrea MacDonald
Andrea Papan
Catherine Ronahan
Claire Levin
David Cotton
Dayle Eshelby
Delores Levangie
Donald Fraser
Hana Nelson
Heather Coffin
Holly Langille
Jean Fraser
Joan Campbell
Kim Byers
Lisa Lachance
Mary Rigby
Robin Campbell
Shanta Neupane
New Brunswick:
Brian Atkinson
Joan Marshall-Forgie
They come from diverse experiences and backgrounds!
They are models of global citizenship and being an activist in their own homes
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