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Intern Follow Up


Since 2002, ACIC has offered 66 internships in 18 countries through the International Youth Internship Program (IYIP). IYIP is part of the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy, administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD). The aim of the program is to offer opportunities for professional and skill development for unemployed and underemployed Canadians in an overseas context. These internships provide youth (age 19-30) with international development experience, skills, and knowledge to help better prepare them for future employment, while advancing Canadian development objectives. ACIC is proud to profile our member organizations and their southern partners, as well as the interns participating in this year’s IYIP internship program.

You might remember in July and August, ACIC profiled our member host organizations as well as the interns participating in this year’s IYIP internship program. Now, our 15 interns working in Ghana, Tanzania, Costa Rica, Peru, Honduras, and Bolivia, would like to let you know how their placements are going!

Stay tuned for our intern follow up blogs, coming soon!

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