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Intern And Member Spotlight - Anne-Marie And Maya, NBEN And IAFN


Since 2002, ACIC has offered 48 internships in 15 countries through the International Youth Internship Program (IYIP) funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). These internships provide youth (age 19-30) with international development experience, skills, and knowledge to help better prepare them for future employment, while advancing Canadian development objectives. ACIC is proud to profile our member organizations as well as the interns participating in this year’s IYIP internship program funded by CIDA.

We would like to feature our Members, New Brunswick Environmental Network and International Analog Forestry Network (IAFN), and their interns, Anne-Marie Dufour and Maya Irwin.

Anne-Marie grew up in Gatineau, QC. However, she spent several years in Montreal and later moved to Prince Edward Island. She now resides in Ottawa. Anne-Marie has received a Bachelor degree in Psychology from Universite du Quebec a Montreal, and she has also completed her Masters in Environment and Sustainable Development from Universite de Montreal.

We asked Anne-Marie a few questions, here is what she said! (en français)

What got you interested in international development work?

Ma première expérience de développement international a été de participer au programme de solidarité internationale Québec Sans Frontières pour un séjour de 3 mois au Honduras, en 2007. Ce fût une expérience très enrichissante de coopération, de solidarité et d'apprentissage interculturel qui m'a permise de réfléchir aux relations Nord-Sud.

What are you most excited about your international placement and why?

Avoir la chance d'en apprendre plus sur les projets de forêts analogues et avoir l'opportunité d'en apprendre davantage sur les enjeux environnementaux au Costa Rica en travaillant au secrétariat du Réseau international des forêts analogues.

What are you working on with your host organization/institute here in Atlantic Canada? And overseas?

Au Canada, je travaille au sein du Réseau environnemental du Nouveau-Brunswick. Dans les dernières semaines, nous avons mis sur pied un concours qui sera lancé à l'échelle de la province et qui consiste à engager les jeunes à planter des arbres ou nettoyer des rives en fonction des priorités de conservation dans leur communauté. Au retour, plusieurs autres projets intéressants m'attendent aussi. Au Costa Rica, mon stage au Réseau international de forêts analogues me permettra de participer au développement de réseaux de communication de l'organisme, à la recherche sur les forêts analogues, à la création de contenu informatif et d'assister avec les processus de certification.

If you had to describe the organization you are working with in one sentence, what would you say?

Un organisme qui travaille très fort pour s'assurer de créer des opportunités de réseautage et de collaboration entre les groupes environnementaux du Nouveau-Brunswick sur des enjeux environnementaux prioritaires dans la province.

Maya Irwin is originally from Montreal, QC. She has received a Bachelor of Arts in International Development Studies from McGill University. Maya is really excited about her internship, let’s hear what she had to say!

What got you interested in international development work?

I have been interested since high school, when I took a Social Justice class with my favourite teacher. He really opened our eyes to a lot of things we may not have normally been exposed to and it had a significant impact on the future direction of my life.

What are you most excited about your international placement and why?

I am really excited to discover the beautiful country I will be living in. Everyone I have spoken to about Costa Rica has had nothing but good things to say!

What are you working on with your host organization/institute here in Atlantic Canada? And overseas?

I am working at the New Brunswick Environmental Network in Moncton, where I am helping with membership engagement, working on special projects and getting involved with their Children's Environmental Health caucus.

In Costa Rica I will be working for the International Analog Forestry Network, where I will be doing similar work as well as helping them develop their 3-year work plan.

What is your favourite quote?

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

You can follow Maya and Rosie’s work in Costa Rica via the NBEN blog at:

New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN)

The New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN), established in 1991, is a communication network that links together over 90 non-profit environmental organizations.

The role of the NBEN is to improve communication and co-operation among environmental groups and between these groups, government and other sectors. The NBEN provides educational opportunities for its member and associate groups and encourages the growth of the environmental movement in New Brunswick. The NBEN is not an advocacy group and does not take positions on any issue.

The NBEN is governed by a Steering Committee that is elected by member groups, at the annual general meeting. The Steering Committee consists of eight representatives. Two representatives are chosen from each of the following groups: Youth, First Nations, Francophone and Anglophone.

Their mission is “To encourage and facilitate networking and communication among member groups in order to advance their work to protect the Earth and to promote ecologically sound ways of life, and to strengthen the environmental movement in New Brunswick.”

For more information on NBEN visit their website at:

International Analog Forestry Network (IAFN)

The International Analog Forestry Network, (IAFN) is a registered non-profit registered in Costa Rica under the name: Asociación Red Internacional de Foresteria Analoga. The IAFN was established in 1996 to maintain an exchange of knowledge, experience and up-to-date information between groups interested in learning, promoting and applying an Analog Forestry system in their area. The primary objective of the Network is to restore ecosystems environmental stability and biodiversity, through research, design and application of the Analog Forestry system. They conduct numerous workshops throughout the world using a Train-the-Trainer approach and tools so that IAFN members can teach their members and farmers groups.

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