Last but not least, we are hearing from youth leader Egan John! Egan is a high school student from Hubbards, Nova Scotia. The 17 year old tells us a bit about himself, as well as his thoughts before his departure to Honduras.
ACIC: Why do you want to do the Global Youth Leaders Tour in Honduras?
Egan: I wanted to do this tour to get an open mind on a new place and experience something new and fresh. I also wanted to educate myself to be able to learn a new language and a different way of living.
ACIC: What are you most excited about for this tour?
Egan: I am most excited about interacting with people and just talking to them dispute the language barrier, it would be good to hear their stories and maybe share some of mine.
ACIC: What do you hope to accomplish during your time in Honduras and afterwards in your community?
Egan: I hope to gain more knowledge about the world around me and as well the country of Honduras. Afterward I would like to engage with youth and share my experience with kids my age and tell them that it changed my life and to just get involved.
ACIC: What do you do in your spare time?
Egan: In my spare time I play basketball, soccer and rugby and go to the gym a lot, as well as that, I like to write poetry and spoken word. I love to draw and dance. I am trained in hip-hop, ballet, jazz, modern and contemporary.
ACIC: What is your favourite quote?
Egan: My favourite quote is by Martin Luther King Jr.:
“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
The tour kicks off July 7-17, 2015!
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