Hint: Today's organization describes themselves as an environmental/watershed group and hails from North Central Queens County, PEI.
I'm sure you've heard of them...
The Basics: The Wheatley River Improvement Group or WRIG is a "non-government, not-for-profit organization dedicated to protection and management of The Wheatley River, Cymbria, Chapel Creek, Oyster Bed Bridge, Hornes Creek and Lukes Creek Watersheds."
Check out the quote from their facebook page. There isn't a doubt that this organization is sure about what they stand for!
Their vision + mission is just as clear as the water they seek to protect
They work with a variety of partners from the Atlantic Salmon Federation to the De’Gaulahya’s Theatre Troupe in order to protect the wildlife of rivers + watersheds
"There can be no purpose more inspiriting than to begin the age of restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity of life that still surrounds us."
- E.O.Wilson, The Diversity of Life
i want to spend more time with WRIG:
Check out the strategic plan that guides all the organization does
They even have a song to educate the public about the river!
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