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Research & Publications

The South through the Northern Eye

ACIC coordinated project The South through the Northern Eye explored issues around the images of the developing world found in the media and advertising. This report examines some of the tensions around how images are used in NGO fundraising, what they represent, and the debates on changing the way we use images depicting the Global South in the field of development.

Canada's Feminist International Assistance Policy

Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy recognizes that supporting gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is the best way to build a more peaceful, more inclusive and more prosperous world. To do this, it supports targeted investments, partnerships, innovation and advocacy efforts with the greatest potential to close gender gaps and improve everyone’s chance for success.

Engagement canadien pour éliminer la pauvreté dans le monde

L’engagement canadien pour éliminer la pauvreté dans le monde, un sondage commandité par le Réseau de coordination des Conseils (RCC), explore l’efficacité de l’engagement sur les enjeux liés à la pauvreté au Canada. Mené en 2012 par Vision Critical, le sondage offre une meilleure compréhension des connaissances, opinions, attitudes et comportements des Canadiennes et des Canadiens en lien avec le travail sur la pauvreté mondiale, tout en montrant la valeur que les Canadiennes et les Canadiens accordent à cette question.

Maximizing Development Impact of Canada's DFI

A policy paper on how Canada can draw on international best practice as it shapes its new.

Atlantic Resilience

The purpose of this study was to understand the creativity, adaptability, and challenges of ACIC’s members during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to share learnings, resources, and best practices that have emerged. Members include non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and individuals across all four Atlantic Canadian provinces (Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia), doing community work both domestically and in international partnerships.

Canadian Engagement on Global Poverty Issues

The Inter-Council Network (ICN) commissioned poll, Canadian Engagement on Global Poverty Issues, explores engagement effectiveness on global poverty issues in Canada. Conducted in 2012 by Vision Critical, the poll offers a deeper understanding of Canadian’s knowledge, opinions, attitudes, and behaviours on global poverty work, while demonstrating the value Canadians place on the subject.

Global Citizen's Guide

This guide outlines a number of ways we can all get more involved with our local and global communities. It offers tips on volunteering, ethical consumption, engaging in democracy, organising events, internships, and much more. It also profiles a number of Atlantic Canadians just like you that are working to make the world a better place.

Medicine Wheel Evaluation Framework

Through our First Voices project, ACIC developed the Medicine Wheel Evaluation Framework as a participatory evaluation tool to help us better evaluate the project's impact. This guide is intended to introduce the reader to the Medicine Wheel, outlining its history and uses, and to show how the Medicine Wheel can be used as an evaluation framework.

Books Beyond Borders

Books Beyond Borders is a tool created to help people interested in starting globally focused book clubs in their own communities. It offers suggestions on how to set up a book club, a recommended reading list of some of our members' favourite books, and ideas on how you can get involved locally in some of the issues you read about.

Canadian Perspectives on International Development

This public opinion poll was commissioned to gain an understanding of Canadians’ knowledge of, opinions on, and engagement in global poverty issues in 2015. It builds on similar polls conducted in Canada, such as the 2012 Canadian Engagement in Global Poverty Issues poll by the ICN, and those conducted in other G7 countries through The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Narrative Project.

ICN Submission to the Canada Revenue Agency's Consultation
on the Political Activities of Charities

This submission is based on data from a joint survey conducted by the ICN and CCIC. It sets out 4 overarching recommendations that highlight the important policy work done by charities and the unique challenges that the current regulations impose on Small and Medium-Sized Organizations (SMOs) as well as charities that work internationally.

Responding to the Changing Global Development Context:
How Can Canada Deliver?

In this report, we highlight key messages in areas that resonate strongly with Canada’s new strategy. This includes the landscape of development is changing, and so are the politics, leaving no one behind and focusing on the poorest presents new challenges and a new normal for donors and Canada’s approach to risk and risk tolerance, and pragmatism about resources, time-frames and results are key factors that will determine the success of its feminist international assistance policy

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